Ammeter & Voltmeter

견적 문의 : , 070-8809-8332

(R.STAHL 대리점, 알스탈 대리점)

품명 : Ammeter & Voltmeter (암메터, 볼트메터)

파트넘버 : 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407

크기 : 48 X 48mm , 72 X 72mm

방폭환경 : Zone1,2

방폭등급 : Ex e(안전증 방폭), Ex i(본질안전 방폭)

방폭인증 : KCs, KGS, ATEX, IECEX etc.

공급목적 : 판넬(Panel) 구성 및 유지보수(MRO)

납기 : 1~4주

Series 840./6 voltmeters and ammeters

moving iron and moving coil measuring instrument with an accuracy of 2.5

Fitted into an enclosure in type of protection "Ex e"

they are used to measure and display current and voltage values.

A red marker in the device that is adjustable from the outside allows a quick comparison of the measured values.

The scale plate that can be pushed in at the side on versions with a CT connection (1 A and 5 A) makes assigning a measurement range on-site a quick and easy task.

암메타 후면 및 측면

암메터 부품 구성(Bezzel, Calotte, Glass)

Ammeter Scale (according to SPEC)

전체 형상

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